Adult art classes versus children art classes at Rush In Art Academy of Ann Arbor.

The diversity of choices in art classes at Rush In Art Academy is essential. While young artists benefit from structured guidance, adults thrive when given the freedom to express their unique styles and visions. In this sailboat-themed adult art class on 7/18/24, students explored various materials—some opting for realistic paintings, others embracing abstraction. The color palettes and mediums resonated individually, resulting in stunning and joyful creations. 🎨⛵✨


Let’s explore the differences between adult and children’s art classes at Rush In Art Academy of Ann Arbor on the sample of Sailboat art projects given to adult art class on 7/18/23:

“Contrasting Adult and Children’s Art Classes at Rush In Art Academy: A Sailboat Project Comparison”

  1. Instruction Style:

    • Adult Classes: These classes emphasize individual expression, allowing adults to explore their unique styles and visions. Instruction is more flexible, catering to each student’s preferences.
    • Children’s Classes: Young artists benefit from structured guidance. Clear instructions and specific goals help them build foundational skills.
  2. Decision-Making and Stress:

    • Adults: Having fully formed personalities, adults appreciate choices. They feel less stressed when not competing with classmates and can focus on creating in their own style.
    • Children: Too many choices can overwhelm young artists. Following instructions provides clarity and reduces decision-related stress.
  3. Materials and Techniques:

    • Adults: They choose materials based on personal preferences. Some may combine techniques (e.g., acrylic painting with leather collage) for a 3D effect.
    • Children: Simpler materials and techniques help them learn step by step.
  4. Peer Comparison:

    • Adults: Less emphasis on competition with peers. They celebrate individual successes.
    • Children: Comparing their art to classmates helps children gauge progress and motivates improvement.

In both Kids' and adult classes, creativity flourishes, resulting in stunning artwork and happy students! 🎨

Here are some samples from the last adult art class on the Sailboat topic:


Join the next Rush In Art Academy adult art class!