Summer 2024

Week Time Topic Age
6/17-21 11-1:30 Clay / Oil painting
6/24 -28 8:30-12:00 Taste of everything in art
7/8 - 12 11- 2:30 Mosaics and study of Gaudi 8- adults
7/15 - 19 11- 1:30 Five paintings in one week. "Five in one"
8/18 - 23 11- 2:30 Open studio. Your own ideas and materials of your choice ( if we have them and teach them) directed by an instructor. Materials provided.


Open Studio price depend on materials and media you choose. Additional material fee may be added to $250 regular fee.

For one week of the art camp students will experience themselves in painting, clay modeling, drawing or craft of the week (depends on the theme of the week). It will be a little break in the middle for snacks (provided) The classes are held outside weather permitted.

10 % discount is applied for siblings.

Extra $100 material fee will be charged for Mosaics camp and Open studio.

Two-and-a-half hour camps are $250 per person for the whole week (5 days).

Three-and-a-half hour camps are $300+material fee if applicable per person for the whole week (5 days).


Different time, topic and age category could be discussed with parents, and groups could be adjusted by age depend on enrollment.

More classes will be opened upon request with the pre-formed group of minimum 4 students.

We need at least 4 students enrolled to run a camp, otherwise it will be cancelled.

If you want to discuss any changes in dates, time and topic and have a pre-formed group, feel free to call 734-288-8058, there is nothing written in stone.

Flexibility is our credo!

Five in one camp includes:

1. 3D painting with the modeling paste
2. Glass painting
3. Rock painting
4. Silk painting
5. Pour painting




Mosaics and study of Gaudi




Taste of everything in art 




Clay head life-size for 10+/ small clay projects for younger students







 Glass. Taste of different techniques